RUPS Meeting Invitation

Invitation of the execution of the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) Board of directors further Callings to the shareholders within the period of 14 days before the date of the GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS, excluding the day of and the day of Calling the venue of the GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS (article 82 (1) of the UUPT, article 15 (b2) the articles of Association of the company. Calling of the GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS is carried out by registered letter and/or with newspaper ads. In a call the GMS indicated the date, time, place and event meeting, accompanied by a notification that material to be discussed in the GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS is available on the Office of the company since the date of the AGM calling up to the date of the AGM are implemented. The company is required to provide a copy of the material AGM to shareholders free of charge if requested. In terms of the calling is not in accordance with such conditions as above, the decision of the GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS remain valid if all of the Shareholders with voting rights present or represented in the GMS and the decision was approved unanimously