Wealth Official State Report

Wealth Official State Report (LHKPN)

The Obligation to report on the state Of the Provider Property is set out in:

  1. Act No. 28 0f 1999 regarding the organizers state that is clean and free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism
  2. Act No.30 of 2002 about the Criminal acts of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
  3. The Decision and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) No : KEP.07/02/2005/CCA about the procedures for registration, inspection reports and announcement of State Organizers Tresures
  4. Circulars State Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) No. SE-05/MBU/2013 about clean of all Roadmap actions Irregularities and/or fraud that leads to or related to Corruption, Collution and Nepotism
  5. The Board of Diorector Of BKI with determination manifest PT.Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) formidable (professional and hold a deep), superior (giving priority to the system, quality, and innovation) as well as dignity (clean of any form of the cheating ang irregulities including corruption.
  6. All Directors , Esselon Official one until three level below this post have reported/submit a report property organizers (LHKPN) to the Countries Corruption Eradiction Commisission (KPK) year 2013/2014